Sunday, 10 April 2016

Long time no blog...

So time for a quick catch up, since the last time we have.......

We've had Spud's birthday. Cake, presents and kids fighting over toys. It was the usual magic.  This year Spud's birthday was mainly bought to you by Tiger. God I love that shop. I may never go into any other shop ever again. 

I got the Kid's Dough Set which they both loved. The press was a little flimsy but for a few pounds the dough and cutters were worth it alone.  I love the Tiger play dough, it's not worth me making it for the money and it has such lovely vivid colours.  I much rather save my expensive gel food dyes for cakes!

Spud also got crayons and pens from Tiger. They are lovely and chunky for little hands to grip, Spud had loads of fun colouring with these and the chunky felt tip pens, which he also sucked resulting in funky day-glo lips (and some mothers worry about artificial sweetners!). 

We made a suitably deranged "mad hatters" Easter bonnet for Spike's Easter Parade. He quite understandably won precisely no prises. It's just as well that he enjoyed making it so much! 

Easter eggs! Nom nom nom. 

Before Christmas Spike entered a competition to win a Posable Bing Bunny and he only flipping won! I think he had to draw a picture of Bing or something, it was so long ago that I can't remember, but here he is with it. He had a Bing toy for his birthday so he gave this one to Sam. Good brotherly behaviour that.

I am working on the boy's room. It's going to be Star Wars themed, like you're inside the Millenium Falcon looking out. Spike is very excited about the new bunk beds that are coming. There's gonna be a Wampa skin rug, reading nook (yes they definitely had one on board the falcon shut up), more murals of Yoda, Chewie and some inspirational Star Wars quotes. It'll take a few weeks to put together which is fine by me, I'm enjoying it quite a lot! IKEA! 
