Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Hello dear reader, please will you consider supporting this little campaign?

Taken from the #itaffectsme Facebook page...

"It affects every single one of us whether through a family member, ourselves, friends, partners or just someone you see in the street or like me, crying on the tube. Yes, I am that girl.
SO I've come up with an idea to start spreading awareness on social media to get people talking and learning about mental health. Admittedly not an original idea but an idea nonetheless!
Now everyone loves a selfie, my news feed is full of them, that and engagements or cats, or cats getting engaged. But what I would love you all to do is take a selfie with a post-it note on your forehead saying #itaffectsme. Like my ridiculous cover pic.
Because it does, it affects all of us. And then put the link to the Mind donation page, donate and then share and share and share https://www.mind.org.uk/get-involved/giving-to-mind/donate/
#itaffectsme is simply the statement that at some point in all our lives we have seen or known mental illness in ourselves or others and have been affected or moved by it.
And the selfie is to stop people having the need to hide, or be embarrassed by it, to show a united front and to express the universality of these illnesses.
I would freaking love it if you would all support me in this endeavour, it is such an important issue and you have no idea how much I appreciate all your help in advance.
The plan is I will post a video on FB and Twitter on Tuesday at 9am with instructions and my own selfie BUT if you guys could already have your selfies taken so you can upload them and the link straight away that would be amazing.
I'll post at 9am Tuesday so you can be fingers at the ready!
Thank you so much in advance for all your love and support always and big smooches all round."

Don't forget #itaffectsme (@itaffectsme on Twitter.)

Text SUPPORT to 70660 to donate £3 to MIND

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Literacy Love

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... the literacy initiative begins!

Actually for quite a while now we've been doing a "Morning Message". I first read about it on Jennifer's website and thought it was a great, free and useful little tool. More about it here.  
I tend to do the Morning Message over breakfast. While the boys are eating we talk about what day it is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc), the weather, what we are doing imminently and what we are going to do later.  It didn't take long for Spike to become familiar with the format; the predictability is helpful as Spike likes it when he knows what to expect.  I'm trying to use phonics and cvc words as much as possible to help him become accustomed to them. They are great words to start off with as they tend to sound exactly how they are spelled which is good for kids as it is less confusing for them. The Morning Message is also great because Spike decides what we write; the fact that Spike is so involved with what is being written helps to keep him engaged.

The pink underlined words are words that he recognises/we are working on him recognising.

As you can see we are mainly working on the smaller words at the moment.  On this message he was able to recognise "is", "no" and "at".  We have been doing the Morning Message for a few weeks and I am already seeing an improvement in Spike.  He is able to predict correct linking words such as "is", "in", "at" and "on" etc whilst doing the message and is also using these words more in his general speech throughout the day.

In the afternoon we did a Treasure Hunt.  

I wrote a list of things for Spike to find which he loved doing. Then after he had found all the objects he counted the objects and wrote down how many there were. 
Here he is telling me that there is a difference between stormtroopers and snowtroopers, silly Mummy!

I wrote the numbers first in a light colour pen in the box and then Spike drew over them in a darker pen. He also wrote over the numbers in words identifying each letter as he went.

It was a good activity and will definitely be doing it with him again.  When the weather clears up it would be a good one to do outside including some tree and plant identification. Hopefully by then he will also be ready to do some sort of art activity off the back of it. I'm not holding my breath though. I like the idea of incorporating other learning themes within the literacy activity. So here there was a fair bit of maths but we also talked about machines, which of his animals live on the continent of Africa, characteristics of the animals and dinosaurs and their habitats and the difference between machines and living things. Apparently not doing a poo is one of the more significant points.  

Spud yn dweud nos da....  


Thursday, 14 January 2016

The spectrum and us.

There was always something about Spike. He was gorgeous and super clever but something niggled me.  He was a fantastic baby; he fed well, slept well, was content, would play great by himself, was interested in numbers and picked up new information really quickly.  For months I took comments on how alert he was as a compliment.  I clearly had a little genius in the making and we all think our little crotch goblins are going to be the second coming of Jesus Christ secretly.  He was WAY ahead on all of his milestones, building massive towers out of blocks when the milestones said 3-4 blocks and had double the vocabulary.  Then at around 16 months the talking stopped, even "Mummy" and "Daddy" and he started talking in scribble.  This extended until we went on holiday when he was 22 months and while he was on my shoulders some seagulls flew over us and he pointed at them as said "birds!".  YES SPIKEY BIRDS!!! That same holiday we also got "sand", "sea", "beach" and "flag".  We have built from there since and whilst he is certainly still a bright boy his speech is quite robotic.  He hates chit chat, his conversational skills are best described as ruthlessly efficient.  

Socially Spikey has always struggled. He doesn't have any interest in joint activities. I consider myself a bit of an arty farty type and from about the time he could support his own head I had designated the end of the kitchen as The Kid Craft Area. It groaned with poster paints (with the proper lids that the paint brush fits in!), glitter, foam shapes, coloured feathers, coloured lollipop sticks, pom poms, glue sticks, stickers and a myriad other supplies.  It is so hard to get him to do any sort of arty activity.  Occasionally the mood will take him and it generally always takes a really sensory angle such as hand/finger/face/whole body prints. I have never been able to get him to use a colouring book and he has never had any interest in drawing or writing. 

The Nursery has said that he does the same things everyday and has little interaction with the other children, preferring to observe them.  On tidying up after the children leave for the day his teacher started noticing little caches of lined up objects hidden around the room; eventually she realised Spike was doing it.  He refuses to be touched by his teachers and even hates being touched by me unsuspectingly.  He will howl as if in pain or fright from just a hand being placed on his shoulder. 

 Noises are also a big thing for him. His major hatred is a two-stroke engine like you would find in a petrol lawn mower, hedge strimmer or chainsaw. Quad bikes and motor bikes are also foe. Fair enough you may say, they are loud. But does it really warrant planking on the side of the road to cope with the over stimulus of a chain saw being used 3 miles away half way up the mountain?  One time we'd been for a walk down the lane and two quad bikes drove passed us resulting in a melt down of truly biblical proportions. I had to carry him back up the VERY STEEP LANE as he was terrified of more quad bikes coming. This is a kid who would (if you didn't stop him) march up to and jump on the biggest most maddest horse or a growling dog. He'll climb anything, isn't afraid of falling and you have to watch him like a hawk because he'll throw himself off stuff for the fun of it.

Early on it is hard to pin down your niggles as anything legitimate as children all develop so differently and he was my first. It's only really crystallised for me now Spud is getting older and I can compare the two.  Ahhh THAT'S what conversational babbling is supposed to sound like. Also, Autism presents so differently from child to child. The spectrum is huge and even children who are diagnosed within the same bracket can exhibit very different behaviours.  When you first start bouncing your observations of your child's quirks to other people you'll get a couple of, "No he can't have autism he smiles too much/he can make eye contact/he talks too well".  Not entirely unsurprisingly it apparently turns out that your kid doesn't have to act like the understudy in Mercury Rising in order to have autism. 

We are very much in the early stages of diagnosis. The teacher is fairly certain and tests are apparently going to happen.  Regardless of what diagnosis he gets he's high functioning and in many respects it's a positive thing.  If you can capture his interest in a subject it is sooooo easy to get him to take on board the information. He practically teaches himself anything to do with maths/numbers. But there are drawbacks and Mike's obvious one is getting him writing.  However, I have some initiatives to hand and will keep you updated on the results.

Ciao Ciao x 

Friday, 1 January 2016

The Best Thing I've....

Read | I'm getting myself the Game of Thrones books to read. I also want to fill in all the gaps in my Terry Pratchett reading as well.

Watched | I have finally caved and started watching Game of Thrones. You were all right, it is very good.

Heard | Really loving me a bit of Jenny Lee at the moment:

Also Courtney Barnett:

Made | Loads of makes on the go at the moment. Quilts, crochet, sewing and scrapbooking up to my eyeballs as usual in WIPs. A project I am most excited about is my studio Ghibli playset that I am making for my Niece's up coming second birthday. I am crocheting the Totoro characters and a large Cat Bus for them all to fit into. The patterns will be available for free on this blog.
So far I have completed a Chibi Totoro you can find the pattern here

Worn | Mainly enormous jumpers as it's starting to get chilly on the mountain. Also a lovely scarf that my sister got me for Christmas, a really wide and really long one. The way a scarf should be!

And Lastly ... I'm thinking about my to-do lists this year a lot. For Myself and for the boys.

For myself,

  • Lose weight 
  • Do my bookkeeping qualifications 
  • One day trip a week with the boys 
  • Get outside everyday 
  • Go to the caravan more 
  • Visit the Pratchett's in Oxford 
  • Start playing a musical instrument again 
  • Read more 

The boys list is more a list of the places I want to take them this year.

Bristol Zoo
An Aquarium
Ape Sanctuary
St Fagans
Noah's Ark Zoo
Margam lots with Aunty Hannah
Big Pit
Raglan Castle
Caerleon Baths, Museum, barracks and Amphitheatre
Chepstow Castle
Newport Wetlands
Caldicot Castle
Festival Park Owl sanctuary
Walnut Tree Farm Park
Pontypool and Blaenavon Steam Railway
Folly Tower
Neath Abbey
Swimming at least once a fortnight if we can.
Pontypridd Pit Pony Sanctuary
Wookey Hole
Cardiff Museum, I have a feeling we are going to have to go here often to see those flipping Mammoths.

There will be lots more to add to this as the year goes on I am sure!

(I pinched this from Eileen at In My Playroom)

Winter Photographic Scavenger Hunt.

The Winter Photographic Scavenger Hunt popped up on my reading list somehow and looked fun!  Most of the people I follow on here I have found through my cousin Ann so suspect that is how I found it.

These are my finds so far...

2) Tinsel. 

 Spud was helping me find the things on the scavenger hunt.

4) A Star.

  Well, star cookie cutters... but I love them! A much appreciated gift from my lovely friends, The Pratchetts in Oxford.

                                                         5) A Snowman

.... or... snow family.  I feel I may be playing fast and loose with the titles again.  This came home from nursery at the end of term.

6) A tree that has lost all its leaves.

  Four generations of my family have climbed this tree.  Its a good tree.

7. Berries or Nuts.

  Well,  these would be berries which Spud and I found in the garden.

12) A Fancy Button.

  Well it's not massively fancy I'll grant you that, but it is pink and in the shape of a flower.  That makes it pretty fancy compared to the buttons on most of my clothes. This came off a painting of a gingerbread man that Spike brought home from nursery.

18) An arrow

 On the weather vane in our garden. Nice view of Cwmbran in the background.

20. Cutlery.


21) Your Own Handwriting

My to-do list this year.

That's nine out of Twenty one photo's to get done, so not a bad start!