Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Hello dear reader, please will you consider supporting this little campaign?

Taken from the #itaffectsme Facebook page...

"It affects every single one of us whether through a family member, ourselves, friends, partners or just someone you see in the street or like me, crying on the tube. Yes, I am that girl.
SO I've come up with an idea to start spreading awareness on social media to get people talking and learning about mental health. Admittedly not an original idea but an idea nonetheless!
Now everyone loves a selfie, my news feed is full of them, that and engagements or cats, or cats getting engaged. But what I would love you all to do is take a selfie with a post-it note on your forehead saying #itaffectsme. Like my ridiculous cover pic.
Because it does, it affects all of us. And then put the link to the Mind donation page, donate and then share and share and share https://www.mind.org.uk/get-involved/giving-to-mind/donate/
#itaffectsme is simply the statement that at some point in all our lives we have seen or known mental illness in ourselves or others and have been affected or moved by it.
And the selfie is to stop people having the need to hide, or be embarrassed by it, to show a united front and to express the universality of these illnesses.
I would freaking love it if you would all support me in this endeavour, it is such an important issue and you have no idea how much I appreciate all your help in advance.
The plan is I will post a video on FB and Twitter on Tuesday at 9am with instructions and my own selfie BUT if you guys could already have your selfies taken so you can upload them and the link straight away that would be amazing.
I'll post at 9am Tuesday so you can be fingers at the ready!
Thank you so much in advance for all your love and support always and big smooches all round."

Don't forget #itaffectsme (@itaffectsme on Twitter.)

Text SUPPORT to 70660 to donate £3 to MIND

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