Saturday, 6 February 2016

Space Saver.

The parental units have gone on a jolly to Spain and Spike is with his Dad for the weekend.  I'm taking the opportunity to get on top of some organising of the kiddos stuff.  Even though my folks place is pretty roomy kids have a wonderful ability to fill every square inch with their stuff.
I got some great Curver storage baskets from Morrisons. Four fit perfectly side by side in the bottom of the Welsh dresser in the conservatory, the end of which had kind of been designated kids stuff space.

 My next job was to organise the stuff in and on the dresser to try create a less cluttered look and some room in the drawers for more kids stuff.

I've got a kid size table and chairs coming for the boys so I needed somewhere for the paper, pens, crayons and the various other materials needed for kid type crap art making.  
I then gave the whole dresser a good rub over with some wood polish/balm type stuff and started my paint pump dispenser type things.  I've been collecting hand soap bottles, washed them out, got the labels off (thanks Cath) and filled them up with paint yay!

Much less waste and mess, HOORAY!

Well, in theory.

Spud and I had a great day today, I had planned to take him swimming but the rain was so absurdly heavy I didn't even want to drive in it, let alone drag a child through a car park in it. 

Luckily Spud loves hanging out. 
I broke out the new blocks I got him from Morrisons the other day.  He had loads of fun with them, we built towers and did some counting.  He gets the concept of counting although every number is "Tee".  

We also sang nursery rhymes, hilariously he continues his approach to counting with singing.  So "Baa Baa Black Sheep" is "Baa Baa Baa Baa Baa Baa WOOOOOOL!"  And "Row Row Row The Boat" is "Row Row Row Row Row Row STEEEEEEAM, Row Row Row AHHHHH!"

And of course we did painting using our new paint pumps..
I save the really long lengths of paper that come in Amazon parcels for painting and colouring type activities.


"Look Spud you did an awesome tree!"
"Nuh, quack quack!"

Both of the boys are over their Dad's house tomorrow.  Don't know what I'm going to do with myself, how strange.  I've got about a thousand sewing projects started that need finishing, might have a bash at getting on top of some of those.


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