Friday, 11 March 2016

Illness and plans.

It's been aaaaaaaages since I last posted. In my defence we've all been horribly ill for about a month.  As soon as one of us gets over it another goes down with it and once it's gone through us all then Spike brings back some new and more exotically horrible the next time.  By the time the day has been done and I've got the boys off to bed I've not had the energy to think let alone organise thoughts to words and then type them out. I think spud summed it up best with....

Snotty, gunky eyes, coughs, chapped lips and cheeks, temperatures, aches and pains the works. Tis the season!

So we've had St David's day, Spike and me made welsh cakes and a massive mess.

Spike really enjoys baking and it's always a great opportunity to get them counting by recognising the numbers on scales, counting how many spoons of flour/sugar etc you put in, how many cakes we cut out, the points on the Stars etc.  It is however, awe inspiring how much and how far one child can dispense flour across a single kitchen. 

I try and get the crayons and pens out for Sam everyday. He loves having a scribble. I also try and get the paints, glue and things to stick out 2-3 times a week. He definitely has artistic aspirations and likes to "sing" atonaly at the top of his lungs as he draws. 

My bargain of the month has been this bundle of play mobil. I got a police station and emergency vehicles, a farm, a big Noah's ark and animals and a vets for £40. Cash back! The boys love them but the bits get EVERYWHERE!

I also got myself some toys this month. The aim is to join a local brass band or jazz workshop band and... *ahem*.... Socialise or something ridiculous like that. I also have my eye on an Autoharp and some music recording software. Just stay in and make music all by myself? Yes yes, a much better idea.
On the subject of music I'm going to see PJ Harvey at the field day festival in June. Yay! I saw her years ago supporting Morrissey in Birmingham. It was the uh huh her era, fantastic. I hands down and heart out adore every single song/video/poem/everything this woman has ever produced and am super excited. I also aim to get Spike and me in a tent at the Greenman festival this year. Groovy.

I leave you with these poorly boys cwtched up under the "bettermaker blanket". I wasn't aware this was a bettermaker blanket until my cousin pointed it out but a bettermaker blanket it is.


  1. There is only one place to be when you are ill and that's under the bettermaker blanket because you know it is magical and will make you better. I grew up with one and all households should have one

  2. I want a bettermaker blanket!
